Monday, July 30, 2007

A Good Reminder

Last night, I attended a bridal shower for a young woman who will be married later this month. Her family from Italy has come out for the wedding, and it is sure to be a great celebration for them. At the shower, the bride's mother was taken with the fellowship that her daughter has found in our little church. The mother of the bride spent quite some time telling us how happy she was that her daughter had found friends to share her life with and who would pray for her.

I needed that reminder. I definitely count myself among the very blessed of God's children, but I sometimes fail to count the "little" blessings that, if they were not there, would seem awfully large. I'll list three blessings that I have tended to gloss over, and I encourage you to take stock and do the same.

1. A bible teaching church with a gifted teacher in the pulpit.
2. Wonderful women friends who all challenge me, are smarter than me, and love me in spite of myself.
3. A body of believers and friends who pray for me.


  1. Yes, that shower was a good reminder of our blessings. Thanks for the recap.
