Thursday, July 26, 2007


Why I do this when my To Be Read (TBR) pile is so big, I have no idea. Anyway, I am again reading "Recovering The Lost Tools Of Learning" by Douglas Wilson. It is one of the books that put the nail in the coffin of my kids' traditional education.

When I first read the book, I truly had a love-hate relationship with it. I loved that it spoke such clarity and truth into my foggy and confused mind. However, I hated that what Wilson was saying was true. I had big plans for my life. And they definitely didn't include homeschooling, for heaven's sake.

Fast forward seven years and here I am, beginning my sixth year of homeschooling. It's nice to have some experience. It's nice that things feel a bit familiar. But I need to remember where my heart was when this all began: it was tentative, at best. In light of that, this quote about parents and double standards stuck out at me while I was re-reading:

"...a junior high student may be pulled out of a Christian school because there are not enough social activities, or the sports program is not adequate. The child is then placed in a school where social activities are plentiful, but so are drugs and alcohol, along with rampant sexual immorality."

This is why I need to remember my own heart in the beginning of this homeschooling adventure. I know many people who make decisions about their kids based on the above rationale (or worse). And I just can't wrap my head around that thinking. It only gets worse, though, because my kids are getting older. The fruit of these decisions is growing and getting ripe. For kids hitting adolescence, this isn't good, believe me.

So I need to guard my heart and pray for them. It is too easy for me to be stunned at "their" thinking. I need to remember my own foolish thinking, and the grace of God that opened my eyes to the realities of this world.


  1. I am re-reading this book as well. We tend to forget why we do the things we do. I need to be reminded every so often of what else is out there and why they are not options for us. There are some books you just can't read too many times. This is one.

  2. Well, now you've both inspired me to get my copy out and go through it again. It was the book that I "blame" ;-) for our decision to homeschool.

  3. Yes, this is one of those books that has a new nugget with each read. A good booster shot for my shot in that arm that was the Veritas conference!
