Thursday, July 06, 2006

Observation for the week

The 4th of July was wonderful. Threw a bash and saw lots of people I love dearly. Dad-a-thon created a small pyrotechnic danger in the street, but no one was injured. All in all, a great day in America. Which brings me to my observation: After posting Tuesday, I began to wonder: Did any of you know that was inscribed on the Liberty Bell? I sure didn't. I wonder if those folks over at this place know what's on there? But then, they would have to actually study history, rather than reinvent it. And, well, that's just too darn hard.
There are so many instances where our Judeo-Christian heritage is threatened. I challenge you to really know your country's history. Know who those founders really were as men. As you do, you will find them very human, fascinating, strange, and yes, a little nutty. Much like some of your favorite friends, I'm sure.
Here's a short list of books to get you started:
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation

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