Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Devil Wears Eyebrows Oops! I Mean Prada

Went to see the film yesterday with a good friend. We enjoyed it. It departs from the book in many ways that are just fine by me. However, the casting of both romantic interests are ugh, yucky. The boyfriend, Nate, looks like a 17 year old who really needs a shower, and Christian, the dashing handsome writer guy has freakish eyebrows. Really--they are creepy in a Steven King sort of way. I could imagine them coming to life and eating people. Or talking to Christian, and telling him to do horrible things, and...well, you get the idea--just plain distracting.

My friend and I both identified more with Amanda Priestly than we should have. It would really be so much fun to let your inner monologue be heard. My personal favorite is Meryl Streep's incredible and ever so slight flick of her hands, adding emphasis to "That's all."

Of course, the utter narcissism is deplorable, but somewhere, deep inside, Amanda's right, we all really do want to be her.

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