Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cuckoo Magnet

Apparently I have a tendency to attract really crazy people. I knew this was the case in my dating years (I once was asked out by a guy whose car I "borrowed without permission," and don't even get me started on the visiting Iraqi professor during the first Gulf War.) When I told my mother of my revelation she casually said, "Yes, dear, our whole family attracts crazies," as if I'd told her I finally realized we were all blue eyed, or something.

This self-awareness, like most, has pluses and minuses.
First the pluses:
1. I now know I must be more tentative with budding friendships where the other party is just a tad too zealous.
2. It is clear to me that my family is not nearly as crazy as I had generally believed.
3. Hmm...that's all I've got so far.

Now, the minuses:
1. My general easy going acceptance of people right when I meet them is akin to a target on my forehead to loonies.
2. I have ignored my Spidey senses at my own peril.
3. Being a grown up means I can't tell people the whole truth about situations where the crazies have been dishonest. (I really hate this one.)

This realization is forcing me to bring my cares and concerns before my Lord instead of anyone else, and I grow in my dependence on Him. Hey! I think I just found #3 for the pluses!

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