Tuesday, January 04, 2011


So the whole seventh grade experience never really leaves girls....Ouch.

I have (sadly, mind you) come to the realization that those women folk with a flair for the dramatic never really outgrow it. As a "guy's girl" I spent much of my adolescence, teen, and young adult years anxious for full blown adulthood. I thought that when all the girls grew up, the drama-rama would end. Alas, I am a bona fide (read 40+) adult, and this is not the case.

(In full disclosure, I must confess the dramatic use of hands while talking, and prolific use of the following: parentheses, em-dashes, and far too many ellipses.)


  1. Oh my!! I am so feeling your pain today. I want to crawl in a hole and pretend others do not exist.

  2. Oh no, Julie! Sorry to hear that. Isn't day to day life enough drama??
