Thursday, June 12, 2008

Paradise--In Spite of the Weather

You know how you're always wishing you had just a little more time in the day? Well, it is all here in Wyoming. The time really does pass WAY more slowly here. So, I find myself with time to exercise, time to get my makeup on without rushing, time to curl Girl-A-Thon's hair in the ringlets she's decided she wants, and time to help spring clean my mom's house. The kids are digging it because they have time to play, read, and rest. Nan also has two little dogs that love attention, and I have two kids that love little dogs. We are doing a miniscule amount of schoolwork here, and it seems to take 30 seconds of our day. Boy-A-Thon has been playing video games sans time restrictions, and has been running around outside in the "Ninja Obstacle Course" he and his cousin have created in Nan's back yard. (Boy-A-Thon doesn't seem to get that it is COLD outside.) The only bummer so far has been that I still won't let the boys climb the mountain. The wind has been gusting up to 45 mph, and I just don't want them blowing down. :-)


  1. Glad y'all are having such a great time. Send some of that extra time our way, would you? :-)

  2. I wish I could send the time your way. I actually may be developing a case of MRR (Mayberry Road Rage). The number of people driving 20mph in a 40 mph zone is killing me. Clearly, they are hoarding the extra time!
