Thursday, June 19, 2008

How Do You Spell LOVE in Green River, Wyoming?


Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me for pictorial proof. But I saw someone's token of devotion in a shiny white dually with the vanity plate that read "4-Reba". Yes, I am from a place where people name their beloved baby girls Reba. On Purpose. Not on a dare. And though I am sure that Ray Jack or Billy Dean or whomever loves Reba so much he just had to give her her very own personalized ride, I must state that for me, the sign below (at the local carwash) says it all.

UPDATE: This is a dually. It's a pickup truck with four wheels on the back axle (two on each side).


  1. Poor Reba has to wash her dually by hand, I guess. Life is so unfair.

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    ummmmm...what's a dually?

  3. Anne--Perhaps Reba can get Ray Jack or Billy Dean to wash the dually for her?

    Anon--I've updated the post with a picture of a dually. silly me, I thought everyone knew what a dually was. Especially since I rode to a prom in one!

  4. Poor Reba is also probably broke, too, trying to keep gas in it.

  5. Yes...poor thing! On the plus side, it's got the makings of a country song!
