Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Busy Few Days

In the past few days, we have had some fun. I climbed "Man's Face" with Boy-A-Thon. Man's Face is the same mountain I climbed as a little girl in the summertime. I used to pack a lunch and a jar or two (for blue belly lizards and horny toads) into a backpack, sling a BB gun over my shoulder and head up the hill with my best friend, Keith Hodges. It was really something to share that with my son. Of course, we didn't pack a lunch, we brought water bottles. And my son did not recevie a BB gun for his 5th birthday, so that was missing too. Regardless, we both had a great time. (Note: climbing at 38 is significantly different than climbing at 8! At 38 you end the climb with elevated iced knees and Motrin!)


  1. Kind of like trying to climb trees at 38.:)

  2. What has happened to your children in the past year?! Boy-a-thon is so tall he looks like he's on stilts, and girl-a-thon is a beautiful young lady. Wow!

  3. Julie, you are soooo right! this is the year of humbling Mom-A-Thon! I don't know how it happened, but someone has replaced my perfectly agile body with some stiff old creaky bones.

    Malia--you are not kidding. Boy-A-Thon is about an inch shorter than I am and weighs 10 pounds less than me. Girl-A-Thon has truly become teh little lady she always was in her mind :-) Hold them close--it goes VERY fast.

  4. It's all okay. My kids will always have the story of,"You know, when Mrs.___ tried to climb the tree in our backyard." It came up the other day for some reason. We all had a good giggle.

  5. Oops! I was not finished. I did add, "She could have done it. That branch is just positioned weird.:)"

  6. Yes, I could have done it. If I had more upper body strength. And weighed less. And...and...but REALLY, it is the branch's position at fault! I was thinking of the tree attempt and asking "What in the WORLD was I thinking?"
