Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well, I have had so many thoughts I wanted to blog about lately, and absolutely no time to blog. Now I have a little time, and all those thoughts have escaped me. I guess I am getting "old" like Palmtree Pundit ;-)

I did, however, peruse some blogs of other homeschool moms, and saw this thought about worship that I wholeheartedly agree with. Here is an excerpt:

Parents, don't think that the complaints and fooliness(sic)of your own hearts aren't imitated by your children. Instead we should be teaching them the importance of worship, in all things, with our hearts and well as our emotions. It's an attitude of the heart.

Maybe some day my thoughts and time to share them will eventually collide!


  1. The one time I don't use spell-check...:o)

  2. :-) I would look like an ESL student without spellcheck, myself!
