Thursday, May 08, 2008

I love the "Interline"

We homeschoolers are nothing if not obsessive planners.

As Boy-A-Thon and Girl-A-Thon each continue to develop their interests, I am eyeing colleges. Yes, it long way off, but I know that the time will whip by. Further, one of the (5,472) reasons we homeschool is to have felxibility with tailoring their educations. (This relates to the title, I promise)

All of that is to say that by Googling, I came across an email for Dr. Mary Schweitzer. You may not recognize her name, but you probably do recall the news that soft tissue was found in a T Rex bone and there may be enough cell structure left to find DNA. Well, she's the one who found it. And guess what? I shot off an email to her to ask her to advise us for Boy-A-Thon and she said she'd do it!
I love the "Interline"