Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Waaaah. (Big Spoiled Baby Alert)

Remember how thrilled I was with my excellent customer service from Williams-Sonoma? Well...I spoke too soon. As I was puttng away Christmas decor, I realized I still had not received my replacement plates. So I called, and guess what? They're out of stock. (No kidding. I actually knew that, but was assured that my replacements were on their way and would even arrive before Christmas.) When Christmas came and went without the plates having arrived, I wasn't too worried--figuring they wouldn't be priority shipped during the holiday season.

So my consolation prize is a refund. And I can hope that they will have the plates again next year, as I now only have 11. (Here I thought I was so smart ordering a couple of spares in case I broke them. Now I don't even have 12.) eBay here I come!
UPDATE: eBay has none :-(


  1. Bummer! Keep an eye out here at Replacements Ltd. and see if they ever get any.
