Friday, December 12, 2008

Excellent Customer Service


This is the adorable plate.

It is said that when a person has a great experience with a company, that person will tell three friends about that experience. On the other hand, when a person has a bad experience with a company, they tell, on average, ten people about it. Ever since I learned about that statisitc (I have no idea if it's true or where it came from) I have tried to be fair and tell the good along with the bad--and the ugly, for that matter.

This is a time of telling the good.

I saw and fell immediately in love with the Williams-Sonoma 12 Days of Christmas decor this year. The design looks old, yet timeless, and has easy care instructions. That's what I call a perfect match. (I think Dad-A-Thon calls it a perfect storm, but I digress...) I ordered some of their adorable plates and they arrived yesterday. Sadly, 3 were broken. So I called the local store hoping to stop in and replace them. Nope. Sold out. I told you they were adorable. In fact, they are so adorbale (and sold out) that I can't even find them on the Williams-Sonoma website to show you a picture.

Well, I called WS Customer Service, and guess what? I actually got customer service! Yes, seriously, I did. They are sending me 3 replacement plates right away. WooHoo! So, I just had to tell you and hope that more than 3 of you read this post. :-)


  1. At least one and counting

  2. Is this it? Very cute!

    I've had a good experience with WS, too, when something arrived broken.

  3. Well, you have at least spread the word to three people.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks gals!
    Anne, those are the salad/dessert plates. The dinner plate has a red trim with mini copies of each of the those plates set around it, like the numbers on a clock. I'll set a place and take a picture. Even Dad-A-Thon said, "Those are the cutest plates I've ever seen." And I'm pretty sure he wasn't just teasing me ;-)
