Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tacky Tacky Tacky

I wish Gigi* was here. She'd have the perfect disapproving glare for our president-elect. She was always a stickler for appropriateness. Clearly some of that has rubbed off on me, as I literally physically cringed when I read this article.

Here's the gist: GW had the five living presidents over for lunch. It was a nice gesture and his last hurrah as host in the White House. (Yes, he is still president, and it is still his home.) It was a nice photo op, GW made a pleasant statement, and there were no questions taken from the press. Apparently "The Office Of The President Elect" does not have an etiquette staffer because after the President of the United States ended the time with the press, Barack Hussein Obama just couldn't help himself and had to illustrate his winning rhetorical skills. (Yes, that is sarcasm you smell cooking. Mmmm, yummy.)

George W. wrapped it up with:
"Thank you all." Done, finished, over and out.

Junior White House staffers immediately bellowed "Thank you! Thanks, guys!" in an aggressive call for the press to vamoose. The giant "scoop" television lights that illuminated the members of the world's most exclusive club were quickly shut off as reporters and photographers began heading for the door.

But just then, the man who takes over the house on Jan. 20 on a long-term lease -- four years, with an option to renew for four more -- decided that the show wasn't quite over.

With a wave of his right hand, he froze the press corps in place. Still in the dark, and with Mr. Bush fidgeting next to him, Mr. Obama stammered at first, taking the floor in a room that, for eight years, has fallen silent after the president has spoken and his staffers have called out, "Thank you!"

"The, uh, uh, I, I, I, I, uh, I just want to thank the president for, uh -- I just want to thank the president for hosting us," he said, gesturing to Mr. Bush, whose fixed-on smile looked a bit like a grimace as the lights were turned back on. "This is an extraordinary gathering. All the gentlemen here understand both the pressures and possibilities of this office. And for me to have the opportunity to get advice, good counsel and fellowship with these individuals is extraordinary. And I'm very grateful to all of them. But again thank you, Mr. President, for hosting us."

Now I realize that I am being at least a little bit harsh on a newbie, but he is about to be the most important leader on the planet. And he is representing our entire nation. I'd like to think that someone could clue him in on when to just be quiet.(And no, the irony is not lost on me making that statement ;-)
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I am already thinking "tacky-tacky" because my friend was at the gym when the Obamas were working out during Christmastime. Mrs. Obama was dressed in a jog bra and biking shorts. That is specifically forbidden attire for the military base. And frankly, that is not appropriate public attire for the First Lady of the United States. Even in Hawaii.)

*Gigi was my grandmother.

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