Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Need More Cowbell

A childhood friend sent me this link to blast me to the past. Journey has a big part in any GenXer's life, believe me. My friend is single, so I got to have him share in the weirdness when I told him that Boy-A-Thon is very much into classic rock and the hair bands of the 80's and that he plays all the songs from our teen years on his guitar.
(For the record, it is very strange to have songs that elicit memories from your teen years being played by your son.)

This walk down memory lane had me thinking that I really needed more cowbell. Showing this to Boy-A-Thon, we were nearly all wetting our pants.

More Cowbell - Funny bloopers are a click away


  1. I gotta fever.... :-)

  2. ...and the only prescription...

  3. Wow! Much needed laugh in the Etter home. Zach did not get it, Bruce laughed his head off.

  4. Glad to provide the alguther :-)

  5. Uh...I mean laughter.
