Friday, November 07, 2008

Hello...Complaint Department?


I am extraordinariy cranky today. A mood like this strikes very rarely. Kind of like a perfect storm, if you will. When it strikes, it makes up for the past days of calm.

First, there is the fact that Lazy-Loser (heretofore "LL") has been given yet another extension to ensure that his right to parent is preserved. I suppose I shouldn't be angry. After all, he has mounted the huge sacrifice and parental effort of 2 phone calls. Surely he should guide and nurture a child with drive like that.

Then, we have voted ourselves a nightmare of a congress and president. He's already got big plans for us all. Apparently taking our money won't suffice. We'll have to have the use of our time directed by Dear Leader, as well.

Add to that a vehicle was stolen from our company again. (For the record, that event happens with enough frequency that it doesn't usually phase me. But today I actually saw the vehicle on the side of the freeway. However, by the time help arrived to the area it was gone again. Of course.)

Finally, I had a day filled with left lane issues.
(A little explanation is in order for you mainland folks--there is a universal problem with drivers in Hawaii. You know how the left lane is "the passing lane" or the "fast lane"? Well, in Hawaii it's just one of two lanes in which you may choose to drive 10 mph below the speed limit--usually side-by-side, thereby controlling the flow of traffic for an entire freeway.)

Well, you've been warned. If you see me today, probably best to cross to the other side of the street. ;-)

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