Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World

First, there is PETA. Not that they've been beacons of intellect (with Pam Anderson as your spokesperson, the bar is pretty low), but this is down right diagnoseable. PETA has requested that Ben & Jerry's ice cream start using human milk. No, I'm not making that up.

Next is the fashion trend of being homosexual. Yes, it's cheaper than the new Prada bag, and far more forward thinking. Newsflash to no one, Clay Aiken has announced he is gay. And fresh from the "Someone Please Save the Young Girls In Holywood" file, Lindsey Lohan says she is dating Samantha Ronson. Although, she's not exactly sure how long she's been dating her, it's been "a very long time." I wonder how long that is in real people years?

Jesus come quickly.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I swear we live in a world full of crazy people. File these under Just-One-More-Sign-of-the-Apocalypse.

    Oh, and how about that nice juicy Federal Bailout? Calgon, take me away.
