Saturday, April 07, 2007

Liberalism is Developmentally Inappropriate for Adults

I tend to think of the relationships of ideas, in pictures. This causes me to "take the scenic route" when discussing topics, but often makes for an interesting experience (or so I think). All this is to explain how I arrived at the statement above, and it provides a nice example, as well.

I was dusting and it came to me--the reason I get so frustrated with the politically liberal way of thinking. It is not merely naive, it's childish. And, therefore, developmentally inapproriate for adults.
Most children would like there to be peace and flowers, puppies and ponies, cookies and milk all around. But as adults, we are bound by the reality that there are a limited amount of resources and an unlimited amount of draws on them. As adults, we must thoughtfully make decisions based on this reality. No one likes this reality, but a reality it is, nonetheless.
Children, on the other hand can make choices outside of reality. They can make blanket statements like "Everyone should have cookies every night." And Actually, wouldn't we all like to have that in the world?

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