Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dang That Katie Couric!!

We finished school at a somewhat reasonable hour today. I had big plans for looking through the catalogs that arrived in the mail, and reading in one of the three books I have staring me down. Then it came. An Email from a friend with Katie Couric's stupid comments.

It seems Katie got a newsflash (pun intended):
There are a bunch of men in the news business!

This has made Katie sad. She notes that 51% of America is female while just 16% of congress is. While those statistics may send her mind wandering (was she even paying attention during the White House briefing?) I'd be more interested to know what percent of the newscasters there actually deliver unbiased news. To put it simply, I don't discriminate based on gender. I don't care if I get the news from a woman or a man. I just want the news, straight and clear.

And, Katie, since I know you read my blog, it may interest you to know that some of those 51% of women--the ones with kids--well, a good number of them are at home. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 6.8 million American women are full time moms at home. And, of those, only 1.5% are there because they cannot find work. And, go figure, the higher education the mother has, the more likely she is to stay at home. What?! This is a choice? Surely women are still being oppressed from being what Ms. Couric and the gals think they should be, right? I mean no woman would choose to be home without being held back by those good ol' boys, right? Frankly, I think the fact that I could do Couric's job, but I choose to do mine, is a greater measure of my status as a woman in this country.

Hate to burst your bubble, but I am aware that I have options, Ms. Couric, and the choice you made is unappealing to me, thankyouverymuch.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Personally, I'm all for Katie being a female anchor. My problem is the girl is just a little too...shall we say "chirpy?" It's hard news, so deliver it seriously. Here's what I don't get, and feel free to call me a sexist gal, but what I can't frankly stand is the bimbos who "report" on football, on the sidelines, behind a desk with the ESPN guys, or God forbid from the lockerroom. Givemeabreak, if you haven't played the game, I don't want to hear/see you reporting on it. And no self-respecting female athlete is EVER going to be interviewed in the lockerrom after an event by a guy. So what's up with THAT?

    Your turn....

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. Thoroughly agreed on the sports thing. Total double standard there.
    I have no issue with a female anchor, either. I was annoyed by Couric's preoccupation with her own agenda and not just DOING HER JOB, for heaven's sake.
