Monday, March 08, 2010

New Babies

Well, to say this weekend was very uncharacteristic of us, would be an understatement. Let's just say that when the weekend was over, we were driving home with two Doberman puppies. I'd say we are nuts, but being the mature adult that I am, my only response is, "Yeah, but they're sooo cute!"


  1. What? You know puppies are harder to raise than human babies. :o) But I agree they are really cute.

  2. You're so right, Erin! I am a total sucker for these two. I am able to be stern with my own kids, but am a total pushover for these dogs.

  3. OMG those dogs are ADORABLE! How do you get anything done? I would hug them all day long!

  4. Yes, there is a whole new time structure to allot for loves for the puppies!
