Tuesday, December 01, 2009

So Many Thoughts...

...so few of them publishable. ;-)

What a dreadful year it has been! It really began when Teen-A-Thon (She's 20 now, so I'll have to rethink that moniker) and I took a trip to Pennsylvania. We were trying to secure a shot at life for the oh-so-adorable boy she had placed for adoption. The wheels of "justice" had to move slowly so the DNA contributor was afforded every possible opportunity to exhaust many public and private resources. You know, he had rights.

We flew home without success. The loser had phoned in to the court, and the judge (wisely so, but still!) wanted to afford him every opportunity that the law provides to be heard. T-A-T (I'm tired, work with me, here) and I were deflated. We knew it could go either way, but somehow we were both optimistic. While in the air, the results of the 2008 presidential election came in. When our plane landed, I had received a text from Dad-A-Thon. It read "Welcome to ObamaLand." We were just exiting the gate area into the warm open air of Oahu and I shouted, "SH*T." T-A-T didn't say a word. She knew what it meant. We were defeated times two.

And thus, the year has gone. Bad timing, negative complications, and many other things from which we previously enjoyed a respite. It would appear they had only been on pause, waiting to pounce. And pounce, they have indeed.

That's actually nothing. What is really bad, and seriously depressing, is that cancer is the theme of 2009. More of my peeps than I would have ever imagined have been diagnosed with cancer this year. And frankly, I'm pissed. It's not as if my friend with breast cancer who is, by the way, widowed due to her husband's BRAIN CANCER, is the only one. No, there is Kimmi Dee with whom I grew up. And Peg, whose breast cancer was discovered at her 40 year old mammogram. There is Jane who taught at our church's school. And Kim who is our Pastor's secretary. Yes, and Chris, together with whom we homeschool and have reared our kids for the past 9 years... Seriously. It's gotten out of hand.

The economy is in the dumpster. Which affects business. Which affects Dad-A-Thon. Who affects me. Who affects the Kids-A-Thon (bless their hearts).

I'll be happy to see 2009 go. And praying that 2010 has a decent upswing...