Saturday, August 16, 2008

Look What Those Russians Started

I'm telling you, people are getting a little too goofy for me. This likely will not make mainland news, but it sure is a big deal here. Interestingly enough, there is another group who is already occupying part of the lawn of palace. They've been there on a permit. As people grow in both ignorance and boldness, it makes me nervous...
Especially when there are witnesses who state that

...three men shoved aside a palace employee as she attempted to allow someone onto the grounds. The incident occurred near the diamondhead-side gate.

A witness, attorney James Wright, said the men struck the employee and slammed her into a gate in front of a police officer. All the officer said is "this is not HPD jurisdiction," Wright said.

Wright said the woman was attempting to escort him onto the grounds when three men began to assault her.

"They hit her and hit her and hit, and the police sergeant stood there and did nothing," Wright said.

While they were not punching her, "they were slamming her against the post and then slamming the gate on her," he said. "And the police officer did nothing to protect her. The cop literally walked away while she was still being pushed around."
(I apologize for the dreadful sentence structure.)
Additionally, one of the group's members claims to be a federal marshall and says that the palace is "now under federal protective custody."
Now, I may be new to the study of logic, but isn't that a bit odd to be seeking protection from the "great overthrower" against whom you are now rebelling?

Check out the entire article with video.

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