Monday, March 17, 2008

The Perv 'Stache

It is gone...finally.

Boy-a-thon dived into puberty this year. It seems that in the fall I had a boy and this spring I am watching a young man emerge. It's a bit disoncerting. Where once was a smooth sweet face is now hair--yes, hair! Tonight Dad-a-thon helped Boy-a-thon with his first shave. It had to be done, because, well, he had that light moustache that looks like a pervert. Hence the name "perv 'stache". (OOps! There goes my chance at mom of the year.) Boy-a-thon didn't much care for the name, so he was all for the big shave. Yes, words are powerful ;-)

Yet again, I find myself thinking that this is my favorite stage. Go figure, adolescence actually has its good parts, too. I do love being with my kids and watching them grow and mature. What a treat.


  1. Tell him we send our congratulations. First shave...that's a milestone.

  2. Yes, he's sure he's on his way to being a man, now!
