Monday, September 10, 2007

Sand and Sea

OK. That's the look I'm going for with this latest Blog makeover. I really don't have the time to fool around with this thing, however, the need to make it look nice (combined with an inability to do so )is a symptom of my greater disease: Zero Creativity.

My previous attempt brought unfavorable comments from a friend.
(BTW, Girl-a-Thon thought it was due to your age and that you probably have "old eyes";-)


  1. I really like the new look, I wasn't a fan of the black and red. You can tell girl-a-thon my eyes hurt looking at it too! Maybe in her eyes I'm too old! love, Malia

  2. I like the new look too. The black and red did make my eyes hurt. But if you're going to have occasional rants it's better to do it in neutral colors. :o)

  3. I like it! I had a hard time with the other one too. Tell Girl-a-Thon I am not that old!!

  4. Yep, this one is much easier on the eyes. :-)

  5. Well, gals, I am glad to hear this is a more pleasant experience. I like it a lot, too.
    It was a particular friend that had told me the black and red were a no-go. We have a long history of teasing each other about age ;-) so I think Girl-a-Thon picked up on our teasing.
