Friday, June 30, 2006


Just returned from retrieving Girlie Girl from her summer class. On the way home, we stopped at Costco to pick up items for our upcoming 4th of July party. While there I had to quickly look away before I laughed out loud. A woman was shouldering (is that a word?) her cell phone to her ear while holding onto a giant lemon cake with one hand. With the other hand, she was arranging a space to place it into her already full grocery cart. The cart started rolling while she was doing this. Now that I write this, I wished I had stayed to see how it all turned out.

Virgin Voyage

Well, I did it. I finally spared my husband the pain of listening to my rants and have decide to "share the love" as it were, with the blogosphere. I am very new to the publishing part of this, so please bear with me as I figure this whole thing out. Lots of opinions, lots of ideas, not much time for follow through :-) I hope we can all enjoy the interchange of ideas and opinions.

Last Straw

I have had an interesting few weeks which have given me pause. Among the issues over which I currently perseverate (look it up) are child-rearing, the meaning of friendship, the meaning of "Christian", and wondering if one can evolve from a Type A personality to a Type B.

The final straw which caused me to start this blog was the book The One Minute Dad by Spencer Johnson, M.D. (Are you kidding me? One minute?) I got that, along with The Hurried Child by David Elkind at the public library's used book sale. Those, a Far Side Gallery and a Calvin & Hobbes collection set me back a whopping $3.50. This girl does love a baragain.

The Hurried Child was published in 1981, by the way....Does anyone heed social warnings? I am curious, do any of you out there know of a time in history when a social warning resulted in a redirection of some sort?