I confess that I have been lured away from blogging to the much more convenient worlds of Facebook and Twitter. They provide a much quicker (and shorter, less intimate, etc.) outlet for my selfish need to blurt, share thoughts, or just hear from other folks.
I kind of like all the neat compartments my life can have with these different areas of "interaction." Sometimes it is awkward though, as I restrain myself from saying what I really think (or maybe change the way I would say it) because I know who will likely be reading it. That is both a good and a bad thing.
It's interesting though, to find other people's thoughts and feelings (or just ways of wasting time) posted in a virtually public arena. It's as if we are all crying out for interaction--but only on our own terms. Too busy to have a real get together, we do the much more convenient thing and make a post to one of the many sites. (I have thought of inventing a way to combine them all into one and call it "MyTwitFace." I wish I could claim that as my own name, but it was PalmtreePundit's.) These sites allow us to feel connected, though we really are not.
Interesting, don't you think?